When I was little, I used to think that certain things were going to be a very normal part of my life. Like my parents I was going to get married, have children, and live that absolutely ‘normal’ life, because that is how it was done. Yes, I say, ‘was’ done because, normal is no longer normal…..it’s changed profoundly. Left and right families fall apart, split up, leave, and decide on a better and brighter future….alone or with more suitable partners. This time I really don’t want to go into the logistics of things or the pain it causes everyone involved, but I would like to point out that what we used to see as normal, is truly no longer the same norm.
Many if not most of the parents at the schools my children go to, have separated or divorced recently. At one stage it felt like a ‘divorce tsunami‘ had hit this town. Leaving it’s victims scattered all over the place, some even in friends’ houses, where they found shelter with other people’s spouses….
I walk around and realise that I no longer know, who is going out with whom, for it changes so fast at times that I can no longer keep up.
So I wonder, is it still all about ‘ ‘love and marriage’ ? Or has this become about loving ourselves only and chasing what would be ideal for us as an individual. What do we want out of life nowadays ? Have our values changed so much ? And if so, where does that leave those of us, who are still working hard at making the relationship we once committed to, work ?
I wonder…
What I once thought to be the norm, has now become the exception, and with that I have no idea what to teach my children. Should I prepare them for the heartache that may lay ahead or shall I keep their hopes up by holding on to something that is no longer what it used to be. I think that in the end, I’m going to hope and pray that youth learns from our ‘mistakes’ and work their @ss off so as not to make the same ones once again. Who knows but that may just do the trick and help the constitution of marriage regain it’s foundation. For right now, it’s being shaken to distruction and extinction rapidly. Then again, does anyone still really care ?!…Maybe THAT is the question….